Throughout the year we get caught up in our daily lives, taking for granted all the joys we experience each and every day.

Usually around the Holidays, most of us get an opportunity to spend time with family, have some time off to reflect and start to ponder the year that was.

Each year, I fall into the same trap as most, over looking all that has made me happy and joyful while taking for granted all the things I’m thankful for.

So do me a favor… Take some time and do as I have, look back, reflect and think about what you are thankful for this year!

As we march toward a new year, I present my 15 Days of Thanks!

Day 7:

I think probably the most over looked area of many peoples lives is their good health.

Once someone passes away, or a family member experiences some health issues, its natural to examine our mortality and personal health.  But as many of us experience each day, good health tends to be over looked.

Trust me, I'm as guilty as anyone.  But I encourage you to do as I am this holiday season.  Look at the most overlooked area of your life and give thanks.

As I see the health of members of my family and friends dealing with on and off again health issues themselves, I am reminded about my good fortune in regards to my own personal well being.


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